Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Allusion from Mago thousands thousands years ago...

마고: "뵈온이래 벌써 동해가 세번 뽕나무밭으로 변하는 것을 보았습니다. 지난 번 봉래산에 오셨을때는 물도 먼저 번 대회때에 비하여 그 반 정도로 얕아졌습니다. 곧 육지가 되지 않을까 싶습니다."

왕방평: "성인도 모두 바다 가운데에서 먼지가 오를 것이라고 말하고 있습니다."

Mago and Saint were talking about the big bang.... Now, we are also talking about the big bang as well.

Another story that someone I know mentioned about similar story.

"The old hare and the chilled frog weep the sky's sheen,
Through a door ajar in a mansion of cloud the rays slant white on the wall.
The white-jade wheel shivers the dew into wet globes of light;
Chariot bells meet girdle pendants on cassia-scented paths.
Yellow dust and clear water beneath the Fairy Mountains
Change places once in a thousand years which pass like galloping horses.
When you peer at far-off China, nine puffs of smoke:
And the single pool of the ocean has drained into a cup."

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